Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good Stuff!!

Tony Campolo on politics. I love this guy!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Kingdom of God

Here is a concept I’ve heard all my life. But it wasn’t until recently (from November to today, to be exact) that “the Kingdom of God” became more that just some religious jargon or just a concept – it was the central purpose of Jesus. Throughout the gospels we read Jesus speaking of the Kingdom of God over and over; “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.” It wasn’t a warning of impending doom, it was His mission – and for too long I’ve missed it…I missed Jesus mission. I thought it was only to save, and yes it was that. But if I limit Jesus to that one moment I have missed His life!

Jesus came to create His Kingdom here…on earth. Recently I’ve asked, “What does that look like?” Check out Isaiah 65 starting at verse 17 – the sound of weeping and crying will be heard no more, never again will infants live but a few days or older people not live out their years, no labor in vain, no misfortune, before we even call God will answer. Surely little me couldn’t bring that here, that is the after-life reward for behaving so well on earth. If we live that way, we have missed the life Jesus came to give – abundant. Every Christ-follower is to bring the Kingdom of God here and now.

Over 2,000 verses in the bible dare us to respond to the poor and the oppressed. When we care and respect people just because of God’s love in us, - not because it is our job, or because of some church program or challenge, or because we have some agenda to bring them to church or get them saved – then we have brought the Kingdom of God to the here and now. The Kingdom of God happens when we see beyond ourselves, when we reach out to someone, when we partner with others who are doing what we can’t do alone, when we look at someone who doesn’t look like us and see a child of God not color, class, wealth or lack of. One day we will stand amazed at the simple things we’ve done, some we will remember others will be long forgotten, and we hear “Well done good and faithful servant”.

Check out the YouTube of Tony Campolo telling two great stories of ordinary people bring the Kingdom into their ordinary days.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Promises of Psalm 139 for Seth!

The Lord has searched you and He knows you.

He knows when you sit and when you rise; even from a distance He knows what you are thinking.

He knows when you go out and when you lay down; and he is familiar with all your ways – you are not out of His sight for one moment.

Before a word even comes out your mouth, God knows it.

Look behind you - God is there, Look ahead of you and He is waiting for you. His hand will always comfort you, even when ours can’t.

All this is too wonderful and almost too much to take in!
Is there any where you can go from his Spirit or run from His presence? If you go up to the heavens, there He is. If you go to the depths of the earth, underground, God is there. If you ride on the mornings wings or settle on the other side of the sea – even there He waits for you; to guide you, to love you.

If you say, “I know, the darkness will hide me.” Even the dark isn’t dark to God – night and day, dark and light, they are all the same to God.

God created you from the inside out – He formed you in the womb – you are amazing. We praise God because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God knew exactly how you were made, bit by bit, how you were sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, God watched you grow from conception to birth; all the stages of your life were spread out before Him. The days of your life all prepared before you even lived one day.

God’s thoughts about us are incredible. They are so many we can’t even count them – they absolutely out number the grains of sand.

Seth, May you wake up every morning knowing God is with you and be willing to walk with Him every day! -Mom and Dad