Friday, May 23, 2008

The Glory of It All

For me there are worship songs, then there are Worship Songs! You know, the personal ones that dare you go deep down look at all your stuff - the good, the bad, the pain, the joys, and complete brokenness and failure - then realize it all pales in the awesomeness of who God is. You can't possibly experience God and remain who you are and where you were. Without God I am nothing - nothing works, nothing makes sense, and everything is chaos. And as messed up I am, it is amazing that he came to rescue and repair me once and for all.

Enjoy the video. It takes me to a new level every time I hear it!

1 comment:

Chanda Canup said...

I loved it -- and I like what you said about who He is. In the words of another *awesome* song: "How can I stand here with You, and not be moved by You?"