Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I must show some indignation....

Warning: IF you respect James Dobson please do not read this post, you will be offended. Consider yourself warned............

MSN is my homepage. And today the headline was “Evangelical Leader Rips Obama.” Of course it was James Dobson. I am sorry I may offend some, but I passionately dislike this man (notice I didn’t say Gentleman)! Let me break this to him and his followers gently; we are not a Christian nation (haven't been for years now), Mr. Dobson should not speak for the Christian community, and is he a Psychologist or a Tim Russert wanna be??

It pained me to even try to listen to his broadcast today. Every election is the same song and dance for Dobson, good ole Christian Bashing of brave men and women who dare to enter an election to run this country. (Though I don't approve of many who run, I wouldn't attempt or imagine trying to run a country.) The whole feel of the program was poor me, why did Obama jump on me in this speech, over 2 years ago may I add. Obama was simply comparing the
'Christian thinkers' (wow I use that description very loosely) of today, much like Paul did with Apollos and Cephas. It was a very smart speech by Obama, that Dobson and his fellow partners in crime totally took out of context by taking quotes here and there and cutting him off before the point is made. But Christians are very good at picking and choosing anyway, isn't that why we use highlighters in our bibles?

So I won't go on a complete rant here are my problems with this guy:
1. He makes conservative Christians appear ignorant, judgmental, and merciless to the rest of the world. (Check out Hosea 6:6)

2 It all goes back to Abortion. I am not denying the importance for us to stand against this injustice to innocent children - but where is his loud voice on all the other injustices that children face every day; sexual and physical abuse, neglect, lack of education, lack of respect even in our churches, children left in foster care, or those that are born into families that never intend to love or care for them. Just advocate for children's rights - advocating for an issue is about controlling what you don't like. My quote on the abortion issue: No uterus, no opinion!

3. Isn't it a contradiction to be against the killing of babies but support a president who sends us in to a war where innocence men and women kill and are being killed?

4. Pro-family. Notice this never has anything to do with upholding God's standards of a husband and wife of stay committed to each other (unless of course he is talking about how only the wife is to submit), but only that family is not for the homosexuals. Do we as Christians even have the right to say others are breaking the sanctity of marriage when the divorce rates of evangelicals equal that of non-believers?

I'll end there for now... my little boss calls.....
But I think I still have the outrage ability in me!!! :^)


1 comment:

Yo said...

hi, this is coqui :).
you're not offending ME at all by saying you dislike dobson. i too hated the assumption that all christians must inherently share all political views. it's insane.
anyway, 100% in agreement with you, which i guess is not surprising... :). dude, i wish we could hang out like we did in the old days. and i wish i could meet seth!