Friday, September 7, 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen...I am tired...
Tired of living in a society that cares more about how many kids Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have than the images we allow to invade our minds, souls, homes, and our children. Images like the one posted below. This sign was placed on Clemson Blvd. today (past the interstate and several other sights around town). Hundreds of people drove by but didn't pay attention. (If you did you should have been outraged!!) I wanted to scream, "Wake up people and start giving a damn!"

The sign shows an image of a woman being grabbed by a motorcycle (or a masculine image), in a bikini and heals (2 items I always wear together), and her underwear being pulled off. And most people just drove by...people with daughters, wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers. OK so the point isn't that you may have missed this small sign on your way to wherever, but that we dismiss a lot more. Why do we accept women's butt to sell a car? Why do we need women's breast to sell alcohol? Or a woman's body to sell cologne?

objectify: to present something as an object

demean: to lower in character, status, or reputation

Get what I am saying?? So what's the problem? We have become too passive in our society. Do we even give a second glance to what things are really saying? We are accepting messages that aren't our own - Power and Dominance = Masculinity; Girls have to smile and act nice; only sissies cry; get it when you can get it. Sexual assault is too pervasive in our society to think our norms have nothing to do with it! Sex is NOT an entitlement!

I'm tired and fed up!


Bekky Davis said...

gary saw this sign as well...awful.

Brian and Rose said...

I'm glad you are using your voice to speak out. Did you find out who is sponsoring the event?