Saturday, December 1, 2007

World Aids Day - 6,000 reason to care...

Today, like every day, 6,000 children will lose a parent to AIDS. Yet there is hope. We have it as Christians, yet how many churches this Sunday will even mention the AIDS epidemic in Africa?? Just 5 minutes to bring awareness can change thought patterns and begin a movement to changes lives.

Hundreds of years ago the church served as the major social justice agency. What happened? Today, sadly, we leave that up to governments or some other charitable agency, that many times are not offering Christ's hope but just temporary relief.
"Learn to do right! Seek Justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:17

So DO SOMETHING today. Make yourself aware of the problems and solutions, pray, or read.
Surely we can change...SOMETHING.

Just click below for information on World AIDS Day:

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