Monday, October 8, 2007

a Concept of GOD

For I desire mercy, not sacrifice,
and acknowledgment of God rather
than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 TNIV

Jesus referred to this verse in the calling of Matthew in chapter 9 verse13. He was responding to the Pharisess when they questioned Jesus for eating with the "sinners." The first part of the verse caught my attention when Jesus said..."Go and learn what this means." I thought okay this is important... Jesus made it clear that this is a verse we should know something about. So I sat up straighter and turned the switch on my brain that would allow me to shut off all distractions and the days mistakes, then I focused.

I must have read this verse a dozen times, in 3 different translations, then a commentary! The NLT puts it "I want you to show love (mercy); not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me (God) more than I want burnt offerings." So I focused some more and like God does from time to time, he smacked me on the back of the head! Here was the conversation, God speaking:
"It is simple you small human...I, the God of the universe, a Holy one at that, wants to know YOU and I want YOU to know ME! Sure the commentaries will teach you some cool stuff, but just use what I gave you ... think!!"

God doesn't want ...
our stuff, our conjured up education, us to give up our car for global warming, to hear our prayers where we quote back the bible to him, us to "fix" ourselves before coming, or for us to fill up our calendars "serving him"

God wants ... us and all the crap that comes with us (I think he/she is big enough to handle it). God wants realness, a relationship - Not rituals.

So many people look at God like he/she is untouchable and far away. The creator of the universe, who controls the sun and moon...God is up there and we are down here. But it is the contrary...God is right here; God is in the box with us. And we are spending all of our time finding clever ways to break out of the box!!

Yes, I already knew all that. Maybe the verse shouldn't have amazed me so much, but it did. I guess I needed it - to be reminded of who God is, who I should be and who I am and that God wants it all. To be reminded that God values mercy and expects us to show it to all. And to be reminded that God wants small-minded-me, to know him.

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