Friday, October 19, 2007


Thank GOD it is Friday! This week was enough to send me over the edge with outrages. I don't even have the energy to review them all. But I will say Americans get more outraged about the abuse of dogs than the sexual violence that women and child endure daily, every 2 and 1/2 minutes to be exact. Great, wonderful they finally caught the bastard (noun; something of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin) that taped himself raping a 3 year old. But that crap happens regularly, even here in our "Mayberry" county. Impress me when they put him away more than 5 years probation and time served!!! A month ago we saw images of angry protesters because of Micheal Vick fighting dogs, where are the protest now?? (It is pretty pathetic that I even know this guys name, seeing I've never watched a football game in my life!) I mean the media has given more awareness and education to the adoptive dog of Ellen, than to the education and awareness of sexual violence. By the end of the Vick media frenzy, we knew how to spot dog fight, what to do/who to report it to, and the effects on the dogs. Do we yet know warning signs of child abuse, or who to report it too, or the effects on the children???? Now I can't image hurting an animal of any kind. I don't want to think about a world without my best-dog & cat-friends. But I would love to live in a world where we respect each other enough that we don't have to advertise hamburgers with soft porn (check out any Hardee's commercial). Or live in a world where kids can be kids, not the sex toys of perverts.

The music of Brandi Carlile got me through the week as I drove and drove... So, to the happy moments, when you can get them. Enjoy the videos!

'til next time...
Respect someone, Respect yourself.
Listen and Pay Attention to the other life forms around you.

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