Sunday, November 25, 2007


Well, despite the clumsiness and mishaps of the weekend (falling down while walking the dog, dropping a plate and breaking a glass at the Thanksgiving meal, and getting bit while breaking up a dog fight) I still have a few things to be thankful for...(in no particular order!)
  1. Marcus, the best husband and best friend anyone could ever ask for! He is the only person I can spend every waking moment with and not want to commit a felony. Most days I can't believe he choose me!
  2. Our 4-legged, furry children - all 6 of them!
  3. Knowing that God is in control of our future family plans and the one to come.
  4. The gift of music. I say gift, because for me that's what it is, one of those extras from God.
  5. The moment that guitars brought conversation back between my brothers and me.
  6. Family... God given and those chosen (friends).
  7. Peace of mind
  8. Home
  9. Did I mention my red-hot husband???
  10. Waiting and being uncomfortable
  11. Our church, and the REAL people it is made of.
  12. GOD, for creation, sacrifice, breath, love, forgiveness, hope, strength, justice, counsel, peace, salvation, and purpose for living.

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