Monday, February 4, 2008

It's Been One Week...

(That title would make a catchy little pop song!!)
It has been a week since I've left Foothills Alliance to Engage-Reality, and what a week it has been. We have about 70 or so books on our dinning room table ready to be posted on our site as soon as we have a store up and running. It is crazy how long it takes to write something totally "new" and "orginal" (there's really nothing new under the sun, but we try)! I guess my first book will be out in a couple of YEARS!! But the designing, writing, and creative process is always fun, though overwhelming at times. It can be a daunting task explaining your passion on a website! Marcus and I have been reading some fabulous books (most will be available on the web-site soon; I'm learning how to give shameless plugs). But they have really challenged us to question our faith, to put action to our beliefs, and all the studing has brought us closer together. Which has made me realize why I'm not a fan of men and women only bible studys...we need each other to make sense of this world and the kingdom. Men and women work best together, side by side! I need his prospective and he needs mine. OK that was a free random sidenote! But as excited my week has been, I've praying for friends and family that aren't going through exciting times right now. We know God works all things for good and one day it will be exciting to see how God worked, but going through the valley is never easy. So realities are all very different, but our God is the same.

1 comment:

Brian and Rose said...

Hey! did you get my emails? Hope you guys are doing has been wierd not talking to you every few days!