Monday, February 25, 2008

To blog or not to

To all my readers...Yep all 4 of you!! ;^) I'm not sure if I will keep this site going?? I am/will be posting spiritual thoughts/stuggles (don't know why I just labeled that spiritual...everything is spiritual, right?!?), news worthy stuff, and devotional/study kinda of stuff on the Realities blog for Engage-Reality - so I'm not sure if I'll continue this one?!?

Who knows?

God is doing some mega overhaul in my life - so maybe this site needs to be where that stuggle plays out, maybe it needs to be where my very human-ness can be said (that is "saying" what needs to be "said" without filters...pretty much, what it has been all along!!), or maybe I'll change the title and this will be the New Adventures of Marcus and Christy with a Baby (and 6 animals...what were we thinking)??!!

So either way, stay tuned here and go visit
Until next time...stay aware and be blessed!

And PS - Yes, rumor is true (if there were any?!?!) I AM writting a book! Marcus has encouraged and dared me enough. The outcome remains to be seen - apologizes ahead of time to the family...What am I saying, they don't read this...God knows they don't read BOOKS, so I'm safe!! Ha, Ha. :^) (Just joking if anyone of you are reading this!!!)


Brian and Rose said...

Hi friend,
I'm glad you allow me to peer into your life! :) You know I'm hear if you need a vocal vent as well. I may call you tomorrow on my way to Columbia...we need to catch up!

Brian and Rose said...

Good grief I wrote "hear" instead of "here" is too late, I am going to bed! :)

Bekky Davis said...

I say blog...

The Beav said...

Blog on! Especially since I just found yours! (Hope y'all enjoyed the concert tonight!)

Chanda Canup said...

Thanks for the encouraging comment! I needed to hear that was a post I wanted to delete later:) I bet you know what I mean! Awesome to hear that you are writing -- dare I say it -- a BOOK! Why is it that we consider this writing thing an oddity, when apparently no one else does??? I think you should continue here as well. People benefit so often while we are unaware. Part of that great plan of His -- and you are part of it!