Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Love Each Other

I have had a "Godly-prodding" since very early Sunday morning to read John 15. I woke up thinking about these verses about the Vine and the Branches. For 3 days I have read this passage - but I don't think I have really gotten why God felt the need to wake me up at 4 am to tell me about it again. Still working on that one.

But in reading it today my "ADD" kicked in and I got a little side tracked on the chapters before John 15, mainly John 13. I love to highlight when I read...OK, I have to highlight!! I guess it is the way I learn; through using all my senses - some people can just read and it sticks. But I have to read, write it, touch it, and talk about it. Does that mean I am a slow leaner?!? Oh, who cares at this point in life...see there it is again...non-diagnosed ADD, so sorry.

Anyway John 13...I have verses 34 and 35 highlighted and even notes written beside it. So I have thought about this one before. But today it hit me in a brand new way. The beginning of the chapter is where Jesus washes the disciples feet. A most humbling, beautiful moment for the disciples. I think I would be much like Peter - "Jesus you really don't have to wash my feet." Peter is so awesome. Jesus said you don't get it, if I don't wash your feet you can't be a part of what I 'm doing. Then Peter says well in that case...wash my feet, hands and head!! He intentionally wanted to be about doing God's work. But later he denies Jesus not once, not twice, but 3 times! If I was around at the time, I immediately think about the labels I'd put on Peter, anger I'd have toward him. Then I read my highlighted verses later in the chapter.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. - verse 34-35.

Jesus had spoke numerous times about how the disciples were to love their neighbors. But this verse was a little different, and revolutionary still today. Believers and followers of Christ must love each other (Christians love each other? Told you it was revolutionary)!!! But look again at Peter's comments, right after Jesus says this Peter is asking..."Lord, where are you going"??!!! Did he miss a key point because he was stuck? I can't help but to picture a child at camp the first day... the counselor is going over all the important stuff and you get to the most important rule for the cabin to remember for the week ahead and they ask in the middle of all that, "What's next?" You wonder...Did they just miss the key to living happily together with 11 other random people for a week, without mom and dad I might add?!?

Peter was stuck in a moment...Where was his Rabbi going? Jesus was leaving him physically yes, but first Jesus wanted him to get a key point in working with fellow followers, LOVE THEM. How often do we still get stuck today and we forget we are supposed to love other believers. All the time! A lot of times fellow believers are our worst enemies. Everyone is out doing what they think is the most important thing, then disagree someone else because their opinion is different. I honestly find it easier to love non-Christians more than Christians most days. This idea isn't new and wouldn't surprise Jesus. It was the religious that outraged Jesus most of the time! That is why he said love each other. Because how we love each other is judged by the world. Why would they want to join a group that doesn't love each other anyway?

I got a little out of sorts last Friday night at a Christian concert. There were many reasons, but this one I just can't seem to let go of and I've heard it a million times before. The concert was a fundraiser for a local adoption agency that was raising money for their new program that served orphan's in Ethiopia. I overheard the couples conversation behind me and then loudly the man protested, "Why can't they do something here in the US?" After years of hearing similar protest, I wanted to turn around and ask him what was he doing to make an impact in the US or have you considered domestic adoption? (Thanks to Marcus, I didn't!) We are a body!! How ridiculous would we look if we were all doing the same thing??

Jesus knew that there would be plenty that we would disagree on and he knew that we would judge each other, brutally sometimes. And yes many times Christians are way off base with the things of God. But the great theologian, Rich Mullins said it best, "It is not that some Christians are bad people. They are sometimes just wrong, very wrong."
And Jesus commands us to love them anyway!

1 comment:

me said...

Good, very good post!

BTW - I love seeing your ADD in your post because you really rambled there at the beginning!!! Just kidding :) It's really good.