Sunday, March 16, 2008

Give me normal and HOME!

I am so glad this week is done and over!!! Nothing last week was normal or ordinary. I like variety, but make it somewhat ordered-variety please. Here was the total randomness of last week:

  • - So I realized the reason for the 4 am wake up from God about the vine and the branches. I'm so thick in the head sometimes! It was about intimacy, total dependence on Him! I need to be reminded of that often - I tend to handle things on my own too often and intimacy doesn't always come nature to me. But I still wonder why God felt the need to wake me up at 4 am for that one!! (Maybe that was His way of being intimate!)
  • - Monday afternoon I met up with some friends to catch Eve Ensler (author and activist of ending violence against women) to speak at Clemson. She was incredible. Her controversial play, The Vagina Monologues, have helped women all across the globe find their voice after being assaulted and has made a huge impact in raising awareness, funding, and changing laws. Another reminder that one person can make a difference with passion, determination, and compassion.
  • - Tuesday I spent the day at Fair Oak Elementary presenting the Safe Touch Program for 2nd graders. That's always a great experience. Kids want to know about keeping their bodies safe...I wish more adults would take prevention as serious. (I've contacted 8 to 10 churches now concerning the Stewards of Children training...So far there is no interest or immediate need to schedule Sexual Abuse awareness or prevention in our area. I WILL NOT BE DISCOURAGED OR FRUSTRATED...change takes time!)
  • - Wednesday I tagged along with Marcus to keep him company on a sales trip to Tennessee.
  • - Thursday we hit the road again, this time to Orangeburg to check on the family - mom's heart cath went well! Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. :^)
  • - We made it back in time for Home Group and practice Thursday night!!
  • - Friday was the usual helping out at the church office. And then the rest of the day....STRESS. Marcus and I played some original and covers songs at The Corner Bagel. We haven't done that in 10 years!!! (It probably showed!!) But life right now for us is about going beyond our comfort zone (I am definitely not comfortable singing!!) and living without regrets. It was a good experience! I learned a lot and have somethings I want to work it is all good, I'm just really glad it is OVER!! Thanks TO EVERYONE that came out Friday night...Your support meant A LOT to us!!!
  • - Saturday we hung out again with our friends under the bridge - Always a blessing. Then we did NOTHING the rest of the day....We were exhausted!!

I've sat down several times this week to blog, but just too tired. With all the car time and new experiences this week, there have been new thoughts and lessons learned...maybe I'll blog on that later, but for now I'm looking forward to a normal week ahead and catching up with an old friend tonight.

Until next time - be blessed!

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