Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Surreal, that is the best way to describe the life since Thursday, March 20 from 12 noon until right now! (I had no idea the gift that would be born to us the very next day after my last posting.) Seth is awesome - well worth unexpected mid-day phone call to come to Columbia pick him up as he is discharged from the hospital, then the hour of complete chaos that followed, and of course the missed sleep here and there! (God is amazing, not only did he answer in a great way, but in ways we couldn't even imagine...another awesome gift at Easter...that is almost too much!) As we were signing the papers and even seeing him for the first time, I had an incredible since of calmness...and it hasn't left yet. (Which says a lot for the highly stressed woman I have always been!) This little guy is the only thing that has ever made me forget about completing the to-do list, inboxes, and a kept house! NO ONE ever told me being a parent was so much fun - even the late nights!! Marcus is an incredible dad - not that I was surprised! Seth, you were worth the wait!!


Brian and Rose said...

I love the picture of him hugging his little animal! :) What an amazing little guy! You two are now a three! :)

me said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I cannot wait to meet him in person. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

yes! congratulations!!!