Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Looking out for each other!

Meet George! We literally walked up on him this weekend in Nantahala. Walking back to our cabin Saturday morning Marcus pushes me over as the bottom of my foot rolls over on to this incredible little turtle. I almost crushed him; he totally blended in with the walkway! I would have be one miserable woman...turtles are one of my favorites of God's creation. But no harm was done to this little guy. So spending a little time with George was the highlight of my weekend.
But I could imagine for many people they would have kept on going about their vacation, missing the point. This is what taking a break is all about. Actually noticing the stuff around you...humm...that's an unique idea! Humans just don't do that kind of stuff anymore. We are so wrapped up in ourselves and our stuff- the fact some turtle is just looking for a place to warm up and dry out after inches of rain the night before doesn't matter to me as long as he doesn't get in my way. The sad thing is we do that kind of stuff to each other all the time. We don't really think about why someone is sitting alone, seems distracted, or is looking down all the time. We just say, "what's wrong with them today" or "they are a piece of work." I've done it and shame on me for not asking if everything is OK or not wanting to intrude on them. Sometimes we need to intrude, we need to ask, we need to actually send a card - the paper kind, or God forbid...pick up the phone.
Who knew that an encounter with such a little turtle could remind me that we need to look out for each other. Sometimes we need to look down to find where to go. People need to know we care, people need to know we respect them. So check out Philippians 2:3-4 and pay attention to others today.

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