Sunday, September 9, 2007


No real outrages since Friday. It's a good thing...because elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate daily could be a bad thing! But here's a great quote to think about...

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."
- Martin Luther King

What matters? What's relevant?
  • God, spiritual matters
  • family
  • friends, acquaintances
  • co-workers
  • beliefs, values
  • respect
  • equality
  • self-worth
  • compassion
  • integrity
  • calling

I could go on and I am sure you have your own list. But don't become silent - don't let the opinions, the stares, or status of someone else stop you from being who you were created to be. Silence is an awful, lonely place. When we allow someone to take our voice, we allow them to take part of our soul with them. That's not grabbing the abundant life God has for us either. So stay strong, speak up for what matters to you, and defend those you love.

'till next time...

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