Sunday, September 23, 2007

Here's to Weekends!

It's been one of those weekends that you wish you just had one more day before going back to work!! One of those weekends when I walk around asking God why do I deserve this:
  • My week ended with a round table meeting of colleagues from around the state - it was great being with like-minded and purpose driven people. I was inspired!
  • Lunch with my mom, grandmother, nephew, and brother - good food and good to catch up.
  • Guitar shopping with my super-talented, big brother (I didn't play much because I really suck compared to him!!)
  • I love long drives alone - sometime you just need to go 75 mph, listening to Ani Difranco, and figure things out, or think about absolutely nothing.
  • Back home Friday for date night!! Out to eat, pick up my very long awaited 10 year anniversary ring.
  • Being reminded again, I am married to the most incredable man in the world and he just gets better with age!
  • Small outrage about work stuff (won't go there because I didn't think about work again...until now)!
  • Saturday...Marcus and I made a trip to Greenville - Atlanta Bread Co. (mmm...cheesecake!!) and to the Guitar Center!!! Hee, Hee...I bought a Taylor T5! :^)
  • Played music ALL DAY!! No house cleaning, no yard work, and forgot all adult responsibilities. Lots of dishes in the sink, and it was all good.
  • A great service at Capstone.
  • Good times spent with new friends and their awesome new baby!
  • Ended the day with more music, time with the pets, and cuddling while channel surfing!

What more could you ask for! more day off???


Brian and Rose said...

Sounds like a good weekend! See you tomorrow!

me said...

sounds awesome!!!